*Walking the Desert Spiral- a Desert Sage Witchcraft Tradition*
The Wolf Pack: is an OPEN eclectic Thriving Pagan Community which gathers in honor of Lunar events and the "Turning of the Wheel" Celtic Calendar Sabbats or Eight Seasonal Celebrations.
As pack our celebrations follow a more Neo-Pagan, Alexandrian, Desert Sage Witchcraft with some Gardnerian, Asatru.
Our pack events are perfect for those who are new to the craft and wish to experience group circles and rituals.
*No membership or training is required* ALL are welcome to attend upcoming events!
We do ask that ALL first time guests sign the Sacred Agreements either in person or online.
Events are led by Lady Wolf High Priestess
Seasonal Sabbats that are celebrated and offered to the public are
Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Summer Solstice, Lughnasadh, Mabon, Samhain and Yule.
Community Sabbats are all about having an experience.
As an ALL inclusive pagan community we honor everyone regardless of gender, race, religion, tradition or political beliefs.
ALL are welcome!
We honor all beings as being whole and sentient.
These events are designed to introduce the beginners to a witchcraft style celebration and a space for those who are seasoned in their solitary practice to find like minded practitioners.
Desert Sage Witchcraft Tradition:
Magickal Rituals, customs and practices designed around the desert, seasons, animals and plant life of Southern Utah. Crafted and created by Lady Wolf. This is an Animistic approach to Modern day Witchcraft. Those who choose to come and circle with us at our Community events will experience a bit of the Desert Sage Witchcraft Tradition.
For more information please email [email protected]
Our Totem at the Desert Healing Sanctuary is WOLF:
We are deeply devoted to wolfpack as model for our events. We believe there is room for more within the pack and that is why we are ALL inclusive! Everyone is welcome and we expect everyone to participate. For each pack member is vital to our survival and each pack member has a role and their own unique energy to offer to the pack.
Wolf magick is animist magick which the Desert Sage Witchcraft tradition is heavily anchored into. We honor and look to the animals as teachers, mentors, messengers and guides.
We love to circle together as a pack and howl after each event! We firmly believe, honor and practice the
Code of the Wolf:
Protect your family
Honor the elders
Teach the Young
Be loyal to your pack
Voice your opinion
Stand your ground
Play when you can
Always leave your mark
"The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack"