After Five years of growing pains, learning curves and what works and what doesn't we have made the decision to change our name from Utah Goddess Temple to
Desert Healing Sanctuary.
Here is why........
With all that we currently offer we find this new name to fit more accurately the work we do and the services we offer.
We have found that terms such as "Goddess & Temple" can be hindering and triggering. Goddess comes across as gender exclusive and Temple is very difficult to embrace for those who are leaving Christianity and Mormonism behind.
In 2018 our Goddess Temple was blessed and given the name "Beloved" we want to honor that and will refer to that space by this name.
Here at the Desert Healing Sanctuary we honor the animals as teachers, mirrors and Gods. We honor the Desert Sage Witchcraft Tradition which is anchored into Animism, Desert Magick and Shapeshifting.
We invite and welcome anyone who anchors into Nature as Healer to join us as circle in honor of the Moon Phases, Seasonal Sabbats and other Nature Based Practices.
We are not a religious focused Sanctuary, this simply means that we are not preaching dogma or converting anyone. There is not a resident coven nor are their weekly religious meetings.
We are simply a sanctuary that is dedicated to creating a healing space influenced and empowered by the natural Desert landscape of Southern Utah.
Desert Healing Sanctuary.
Here is why........
With all that we currently offer we find this new name to fit more accurately the work we do and the services we offer.
We have found that terms such as "Goddess & Temple" can be hindering and triggering. Goddess comes across as gender exclusive and Temple is very difficult to embrace for those who are leaving Christianity and Mormonism behind.
In 2018 our Goddess Temple was blessed and given the name "Beloved" we want to honor that and will refer to that space by this name.
Here at the Desert Healing Sanctuary we honor the animals as teachers, mirrors and Gods. We honor the Desert Sage Witchcraft Tradition which is anchored into Animism, Desert Magick and Shapeshifting.
We invite and welcome anyone who anchors into Nature as Healer to join us as circle in honor of the Moon Phases, Seasonal Sabbats and other Nature Based Practices.
We are not a religious focused Sanctuary, this simply means that we are not preaching dogma or converting anyone. There is not a resident coven nor are their weekly religious meetings.
We are simply a sanctuary that is dedicated to creating a healing space influenced and empowered by the natural Desert landscape of Southern Utah.