*Energy work & appointments by our High Priestess Lady Wolf- $33-$50 depending on appointment
(Crystal Chakra Balancing, Tarot & Oracle Readings, Animal Totem Readings, Energetic Couples Counseling)
*Healing & Safe space for those seeking a more solitary experience- donation appreciated
*Rest & Relaxation in Nature-donation appreciated
*Desert Healing Sanctuary can be rented for Weddings and Community Groups
*Hand fastings by High Priestess- $100- $300
*The Desert Healing Sanctuary Offerings are OPEN to the Community however we do ask that guests RSVP (this helps us to plan accordingly) before attending and sign either electronically or upon arrival the Sacred Agreements.*
As a Sanctuary donations are the equal exchange asked from attendees to assist with covering financial costs such as upkeep and maintenance. Donations go directly back into the Sanctuary.
*Donations are offered freely*
We ask the bare minimum.
We operate on an equal energetic exchange.
It takes a great deal of time, energy and knowledge to host and lead ALL sacred devotionals. We ask that the amount of time, energy and knowledge be compensated on an equal basis. Our modern form of exchange is monetary.
We ask that you please keep the line of communication open and if you are struggling financially like most people are that you do not deny yourself attendance but rather open up dialogue.
No one is turned away from a safe space because of lack of funds. If you are struggling financially please communicate.